Due to many questions concerning participating in TestingCup 2019 we gathered the most recent news.
1. Participating in the Competition
It’s still possible! The area of the Poznań Congress Center allows us to welcome many of you! If you feel up to stand in competition for Championship, please register via the Participant Zone -> https://bit.ly/2Wie8GB
2. Conference and the program
Working on the Program is coming to a close. The Committee’s already chosen the best proposals, and the first speakers appear on our website.
We encourage you to participate in the Conference, as the program seems to be up-and-coming! -> https://bit.ly/2uitgHW
3. Special Workshop
An opportunity to learn from the Best! James Lyndsay, a superhero of exploratory testing, the author of the famous “London Exploratory Workshop in Testing” will run a 2-day post-conference workshop INSIGHTS INTO EXPLORATORY TESTING on 12-13 June in Poznań, Poland! -> https://bit.ly/2UKdroY