Zeger Van Hese, TestingCup 2018 speaker, would like to bring back that long lost art of thinking and communicating visually. Did you know that empirical evidence suggests that humans have an innate capacity to think visually. Once we are schooled, however, we lose much of that.
Zeger considers himself a lifelong student of the software testing craft that got bitten by the software testing bug (pun intended) and has never been cured since. He has a background in Commercial Engineering and Cultural Science. He started his professional career in the motion picture industry but switched to IT in 1999. He was a program chair of EuroSTAR 2012. We are also proud to mention that Zeger is our guest for the 3rd time. He was a keynote speaker during TestingCup 2016 and a program chair of TestingCup 2017. Sketchnoting Essentials- An Introduction To Visual Note-Taking was presented on EuroSTAR 2017 as a paid tutorial. During TestingCup 2018 you can participate in the workshop without extra costs. The conference ticket is just enough.
Yes, you will be drawing! No, you do not have to be talented! Come and learn how to create visual notes that stick and leave with a desire to try this not only at home, but also in the office.
To learn more please visit: http://testingcup.pl/speaker-zeger.html
And here is to remind you Zeger’s great presentation during TestingCup 2016: