TestingCup 2018 is fast approaching. The atmosphere of competition begins to be felt. That is why it is about time to introduce to you another person who will evaluate the work of TestingCup 2018 competitors. Meet Dariusz Olszewski– TestingCup 2018 jury member.
Quality assurance career, that he started in 2007, he considers as the perfect match for him. For the most part of his career, he was bonded with mobile devices. Fan of photography, food and sport activities- ranging from jogging, curling, to Formula 1.
He started his adventure with TestingCup as a contestant so he exactly knows how it feels to stand face to face with MrBuggy. He enjoyed it so much that he wanted to check how it is on the other side. That is why since the 3rd edition he has supported TestingCup Team as a volunteer.