Meet TestingCup 2018 jury member- Radek Smilgin

We are proud to introduce to you a very special Referee Commission member, Radek Smilgin, a person without whom TestingCup would not has been established.

Radek is the originator and organizer of TestingCup – Polish Championship in Software Testing. He is an independent consultant and a trainer in the field of software testing and quality assurance. For the last ten years he has been a tutor of next generations of testers in Poland. He is the lecturer at Jagiellonian University and other schools, author of publications on software testing and QA including latest books for testing beginners “Zawód tester”. Speaker at both Polish and foreign conferences: Agile & Automation Days, Free Test, CzechTest. etc. and open local meetups.

Entrepreneur who builds bussines based on his passion for software testing. Creator and owner of the website- the longest-existing (since 2006) blog and portal for Polish testers.