Meet the Speaker | Michał Buczko | TestingCup 2019

Let us introduce another 2019 Speaker, Michał Buczko – a Test Consultant in Objectivity. Michał will touch upon an important topic of ethics and integrity. Why is it crucial for employees to understand ways to address daily ethical issues? What kind of impact does it have on your project outcome and relationship with end customers?

This is a session for all the testers and test managers about why their ethical spine and integrity is important for their company and department success.


We can’t wait to listen to Michał’s talk! In the meantime, we asked him a few questions.

TestingCup: How to understand if an organisation is ethically strong?
Michał: For be being ethically strong on organizational level is to have the freedom to speak and make hard decisions for anyone inside delivery process. There should be no leverages or pushing someone or a team to do anything if they are not willing to do so. There should be a positive attitude fro challenging the status quo in delivery process and in at any level a blocker is raised it need to be responded. There is no space on pushing the solution to the production from the management if technology team is having issues with the product.

TC: Describe “Quality Assurance” in 3 words.
M: For me it is keeping the eye on the solution quality that it operates the way it was designed for. It is looking at business goals, if the solution is the fit for the customer needs. It is also promoting the quality culture across whole technology department. It is not only testers job to focus on quality, it is every one involved in product delivery responsibility.

TC: Do you have any role models or individuals who inspire you?
M: I love the presentations of Isabel Evans about people and users factor in software delivery. I worked few years with Rob Lambert who was and is a great inspiration for what I work on. We had many discussions about my plans for the future. I also feel we got a great inspiring group of people in Poland organizing conferences and meetups that challenge us polish speakers to get better and better.

TC: How do you see the role of a tester in 10 years?
M: I would say it would not change much from what I do today. We will be the connection between technology teams – developers and architects and business teams – customers and business analytics. We move from testing the technology to testing the business value and achieved goals. We will speak more with customer representatives not as late as UATs, but during the whole delivery process. We will move more to the right while testing itself will shift more left and will be fully whole team responsibility.

Meet Michał at TestingCup 2019