Meet Alexandre Bauduin, our TestingCup 2018 speaker. As an aerospace enthusiast, an airline pilot and a flight simulator tester, his latest challenge was to organize flight simulator testing into a lean manufacturing environment. He will tell us about the challenges that appear during manufacturing and testing a full flight simulator and why Context-Driven Testing is the best solution for the process.
Alexandre Bauduin calls himself a world traveler. He worked in consulting firms, gaining experience in several fields such as medical, manufacturing, aerospace, pay TV, data warehouse. His atypical scholarship allowed him to work with milling machines, draftsmanship, accounting and finance, software development, electronic design and industrial robots.
So if you want to know if Context-Driven Testing REALLY can be applied to Boeing 777 Flight Simulator you just can’t miss Alexandre’s workshop in Łódź.
To know more about Alexandre please visit:
And here is Alexandre inviting you to his workshop in person: