For all those Participants who care about good preparation for the Competition we have prepared a FAQ section based on the questions we received from you.
Question 1:
Does anything stand in the way of using the following tools during the Competition:
- Slack
- Google Drive
- Trello
- Online Postman documentation
- Video conference tool between team members, e.g. BlueJeans, another messenger
- Greenshot?
- Any online tools may not work due to the lack of guaranteed Internet network.
- Desktop tools are allowed as long as they do not serve to communicate outside the team, decompile and attack participants’ infrastructure.
- A team Captain must be connected to the LAN. That means he will not be in the same network as the rest of his/her team.
- We suggest to have Postman documentation offline.
Question 2:
TestingCup Rules and Regulations point § 5 p. 16 says:
Documents can be created in Polish or English. Documents in other languages shall not be subject to evaluation.
Does it mean that reporting bugs and preparing such documents like a test plan or test report can be in Polish? Or is it only related to the documents?
Answer: Yes, reporting bugs and creating required documents can be in Polish.
Question 3:
TestingCup Rules and Regulations point § 5 p. 21 says:
21. The following is prohibited during a test round:
21.1. Using debuggers, decompilers and messengers (other than provided by the Organiser), […]
Can our team use Google Docs (or similar) to report bugs so that the Captain can see reported bugs and see if team members do not duplicate them?
Answer: Any online tools may not work due to the lack of guaranteed Internet network.
Question 4:
TestingCup Rules and Regulations point § 5 p. 21 says:
21. The following is prohibited during a test round:
21.3. Using devices other than specified above (wired or wireless), including USB drives (except for those provided by the Organiser).
Can I use a USB LAN adapter (my friend has no RJ-45 input)?
Can I use a USB HUB (my friend has few USB inputs and he needs to use the HUB to connect a mouse, keyboard, flash drive and the LAN adapter)?
Answer: Both USB LAN and USB HUB are allowed.
Useful links: